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Letter to the Editor: Vote for qualified leadership


Local politics is always “interesting.” This election is no different. Sign wars, anonymous social media, gotcha soundbites, people who have the bully pulpit of incumbency “encouraging” participation by their employees and, in general, just bad behavior. We even just had high school open houses (except the high school in the present leadership’s backyard/stronghold) scheduled on Election Day which could have suppressed (at least) the teachers’ vote. Put that all aside and consider the offices that are on the ballot.

I have been a long term resident of Clay County and I do not remember a more critical election for our children. Our schools are lacking in leadership as evidenced by our state grades and our state ranking. During this Superintendent’s tenure we have been a “B” district 3 of the 4 years. Voters should note that prior to his election we were always an “A” district. Our state ranking has dropped from 8th to 20th. Our children’s education hangs in the balance. We must vote for a qualified Superintendent. Vote for change. Vote for qualified leadership.

If you don’t have children and/or grandchildren in the schools, you should still care. Our continued spiral down will affect your property values. In 1983, when the Navy stationed us here, the only place we looked to buy a home was Clay County because of the schools. As a Realtor for over three decades I can assure you that people will choose number No. 1 (again) rated St. Johns County to live. This election will affect our children and our pocketbooks. It is critical that you vote for qualified leadership.

Deborah Terry

Orange Park