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GREEN COVE SPRINGS – The City Council passed an emergency resolution Tuesday night during an abbreviated meeting to lease meeting space at City Hall to the Clay County Economic Development … more
I was driving on College Drive this week and I noticed a large sign on the side of the road asking me to oppose a roundabout being placed on College Drive and Old Jennings Road. Is that part of the … more
ORANGE PARK - On Tuesday, the town council approved the purchase and installation of new utility meters for residences . According to the Interim Town Manager, William Whitson, some meters will be … more
UF/IFAS researchers deploy drones to perfect nutrient rates     CLAY COUNTY – The ability to detect crop nutrient deficiencies and promptly modify fertilizer applications to address them … more
GREEN COVE SPRINGS - Sydney Chamberlain began exploring ways to showcase Grace Episcopal Day School students' art outside the school/church campus in Fall 2023. This led to a partnership with the … more
GREEN COVE SPRINGS – Clay County Judge Ray Forbess Jr. administered Supervisor oaths to (from left) Dwayne Combass (Seat 4), Rachel Fox (Seat 2) and Garry McIntyre (Seat 3) on Friday, Jan. 10, … more
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Clay County Supervisor of Elections Chris Chambless was one of the thousands who passed through the U.S. Capitol Rotunda on Jan. 8 to pay his respects to President Jimmy Carter, … more
CLAY COUNTY – Want to get more involved and make a positive change in your neighborhood this new year, Clay County’s Adopt-a-Mile or Adopt-a-Spot programs may be a perfect opportunity. It’s … more
CLAY COUNTY – The Community Foundation will accept applications for its 2025 College Scholarships through March 14. The foundation offers several scholarships each year that benefit Northeast … more
GREEN COVE SPRINGS – Longtime patrons Marissa and Phil Vetter were first introduced to Woody’s Bar-B-Q more than 30 years ago when they lived in Jacksonville. After moving to Green Cove Springs … more
Five years ago, 2020 • Clay County District Schools celebrate a record 91.9% graduation rate, a 17.7% improvement rate compared to 2010. • Keystone Heights City and Clay County Sheriff’s Office … more
Word of the Week is a feature that aims to help readers boost their vocabulary in a meaningful way that has practical applications. Each week, our editorial staff presents a word, its definition and … more
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