Proposers will submit sealed Electronic Responses for Bid # 2025-01 – Spring Park Pool Lining Project via the City e-Procurement Portal All submissions are due by 10:00AM local time, February 11, 2025.
Proposals shall comply with the conditions, instructions, specifications and terms as described herein. Proposals are expected to fully inform themselves of the requirements of the specifications. Failure to do so is at the Proposer’s risk. Proposers will not secure relief on the plea of error or misunderstanding.
Proposers agree by submitting a proposal, to the acceptance of all terms, conditions and specifications of this RFP. Proposals are valid for a period of 60 calendar days after date of opening.
The City reserves the right to require the successful proposer to execute an agreement incorporating all documentation, and which contains standard provisions for default, bid security, attorney fees, termination, remedies, jurisdiction and other conditions deemed legally appropriate by the City. It is the desire of the City to enter into an agreement to complete this singular project.
The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals as a whole, or any part thereof, waive any or all irregularities, and award the RFP to the responsible proposal determined to represent the City’s best interests.
Any persons wishing their proposal to be considered is responsible for making certain that their proposal is received via the City e-Procurement Portal No oral, telegraphic, paper, facsimile, or telephonic proposals or modifications will be considered.
By: Kim Thomas
Executive Administrative Assistant
City of Green Cove Springs
321 Walnut Street
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043
L. Steve Kennedy, City Manager
Legal 134618 Published 1/16/2025 in Clay County's Clay Today newspaper