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Letter to the Editor: Band parent applauds Clay Today’s coverage of high school bands



Thank you for your wonderful coverage of the state band competition and the awesome performance of our local high school bands.

Each week when I see several pages covering high school sports, I wonder why the accomplishments of our young musicians are not given more acknowledgment. Our young athletes certainly deserve recognition, but so do our young musicians. They put in just as many hours learning their skills, perhaps more. They all practice at home to learn their individual instruments. Then they practice marching during the summer months as noted in your article.

And after marching season is over, they dive into concert season.

Band is year-round. These students learn a skill, but they also learn teamwork and sportsmanship, just as the athletes do. Having been to many band competitions over the years, I have noted that these kids for the most part are incredibly well-mannered and well-behaved. I have many times heard kids from one band complementing the performance of another band.

There is competition, but there is also a shared love of music and the ability to appreciate the abilities of the competitors. I would challenge you to go to one or more of their Christmas or spring concerts and cover that in an article. It may not be as showy as a performance on a football field, but it takes every bit as much work, skill and dedication.

We have a fantastic music program in the Clay County schools, at the elementary, junior high, and senior high levels. They deserve to be seen.

Carol Norman