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Arrests & Bookings 7/22/21

Clay County Sheriff's Office
Posted 12/13/01

(Name, age, location of arrest, charges). Key: FTA-Failure to Appear; DWLSR-Driving Without a License-Suspended or Revoked; DUI-Driving Under the Influence; VOP-Violation of Probation; BAL-blood …

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Arrests & Bookings 7/22/21


(Name, age, location of arrest, charges). Key: FTA-Failure to Appear; DWLSR-Driving Without a License-Suspended or Revoked; DUI-Driving Under the Influence; VOP-Violation of Probation; BAL-blood alcohol level. There are no assumptions or representations about guilt or innocence. Anyone arrested or booked is presumed innocent.

Tuesday, July 20
Jason D. Northrup, 33, Green Cove Springs, writ of bodily attachment (Duval)
Diane B. Greer, 74, Fleming Island, shoplifting
Paula A. Stafford, 57, Fleming Island, shoplifting
William T. Boyette, 31, Green Cove Springs, two counts FTA
Ryan L. Mullis, 42, Green Cove Springs, FTA
Adrian A. Battle, 35, Orange Park, possession-cocaine with intent to sell, possession- hallucinogen with intent to sell, possession-cocaine with intent to sell within 1,000 feet of specified area, possession-hallucinogen with intent to sell within 1,000 feet of specified area
Christopher L. Hasten, 40, Green Cove Springs, two counts possession-methamphetamine with intent to sell
Lisa Yokoyama, 41, Middleburg, aggravated assault with deadly weapon, battery on person 65 or older
Richard D. Keene, 61, Middleburg, sale/delivery of methamphetamine
Joshua K. Meyer, 32, Orange Park, possession-crack cocaine, possession-fentanyl, possession-marijuana, possession/use-drug paraphernalia
Edgar T. Pierre, 38, Orange Park, possession-controlled substance
Loretta J. Dyal, 52, Middleburg, possession-methamphetamine with intent to sell, use of two-way communication device to facilitate felony
Timothy J. Middleton, 33, Keystone Heights, two counts possession-cocaine with intent to distribute/sell/distribute, possession-cocaine, two counts use of two-way communication device to facilitate felony, possession/use-drug paraphernalia,
Sheila B.B. Butler, 58, Middleburg, two counts possession-cocaine with intent to distribute
Megan T. Howell, 37, Keystone Heights, possession-methamphetamine with intent to sell
Michael S. Lanford, 37, Middleburg, possession-methamphetamine within 1,000 feet of church, use of two-way communication device to facilitate felony

Monday, July 19
Theresa M. Lami, 33, Orange Park, DWLSR
Stephen J. Newman, 65, Orange Park, trespassing
Rebecca J. Cauble, 54, Fleming Island, grand theft auto
Ashley N. Lafaso, 26, Middleburg, shoplifting
Dylan D. Brown, 29, Middleburg, shoplifting
Katina A. Matheney, 38, Green Cove Springs, battery on detention officer/staff
Taylor R. Hill, 24, Green Cove Springs, battery on detention officer/staff
Hudson Ferguson, 29, Green Cove Springs, two counts battery on detention officer/staff
Roderick D. Brooks, 46, Green Cove Springs, non-support
William F. Kutch, 19, Middleburg, abscond from probation supervision with threat to kill, abscond from supervised probation with aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Divina N. Ledwith, 51, Orange Park, trespassing
Gerry J. Centeno, 36, Orange Park, simple battery

Sunday, July 18
Geoffrio L. Rhaney, 32, Orange Park, shoplifting
Mark D. Morgan, 53, Green Cove Springs, refusal to submit to boating under influence test, boating under the influence
Terrence G. Fields, 39, Orange Park, simple battery, violation of injunction for coming with 100 feet of motor vehicle
Richard F. Roberts, 36, Middleburg, FTA-aggravated battery
Ciara R. Jackson, 31, Orange Park, shoplifting
Daa-Nish R. Johnson, 32, Green Cove Springs, non-support
Amber W. Dollison, 36, Middleburg, failure to register vehicle, driving without valid license
Matthew G. Gill, 26, Middleburg, simple domestic battery
Marcus L. Kennedy, 20, Green Cove Springs, aggravated battery on pregnant woman
Scott N. Meyer, 29, Middleburg, grand theft auto, possession-controlled substance, possession/use-drug paraphernalia

Saturday, July 17
Joe E. Loving, 52, Orange Park, possession-methamphetamine, possession-Oxycodone, DWSLR
Thomas A. Crews, 47, Orange Park, possession-methamphetamine, possession-Oxycodone, possession/use-drug paraphernalia
Matthew V. Baron, 18, Fleming Island, domestic battery on person 65 or older, possession-marijuana
Sean M.L. Howell, 34, Orange Park, FTA-DWSLR
Geraldine L. Lyons, 52, Fleming Island, DUI
Christopher C. Lester, 3, Middleburg, FTA-failure to register vehicle
Gregory G. Sykes, 37, Green Cove Springs, written threats to kill/do bodily injury
Travis M. Hupp, 41, Orange Park, simple domestic battery
Jacques J. Leriche, 34, Fleming Island, domestic battery
Dustin R. Redfern, 22, Orange Park, possession-marijuana with intent to sell/manufacture/deliver, possession-marijuana, possession-THC wax, possession/use-drug paraphernalia
Delmar G. Reinheimer, 67, Middleburg, VOP-community control
Kristine Domaniewski, 57, Orange Park, trespassing after warning
Natalia H. Zecher, 31, Green Cove Springs, possession-methamphetamine, possession-fentanyl, possession/use-drug paraphernalia, possession-marijuana
Joshua P. Grow, 36, Fleming Island, domestic battery
Thomas J. Fox, 32, Green Cove Springs, DUI
Kasmau S. Leitner, 34, Orange Park, DUI
Hymea K. Williams, 19, Orange Park, possession-marijuana with intent to sell/manufacture/deliver, possession-marijuana
Daa-Nish R. Johnson, 32, Orange Park, trafficking fentanyl
Shameka R. Kennedy, 34, Orange Park, DWLSR
Jada N. Minter, 23, Oakleaf, DWLSR

Friday, July 16
Susan P. Tomlinson, 58, Keystone Heights, simple domestic battery
Emory L. Daniels, 28, Middleburg, burglary, criminal mischief
Bridget M. Bronson, 35, Orange Park, possession-fentanyl
Antony R. Staples, 37, Orange Park, possession-methamphetamine
Emory L. Daniels, 28, Middleburg, violation of injunction for protection against domestic violence
Stephen A. Johnson, 48, DUI with damage to property/person, DUI
Charles R. Odom, 46, Middleburg, possession-methamphetamine, possession/use-drug paraphernalia
Larry T. Burke, 22, Middleburg, vandalism
Joshua K. Hartwell, 33, Keystone Heights, DWLSR-habitual offender
Amanda N. Danter, 34, Orange Park, scheme to defraud
Jose N.C. Benitez, 35, Middleburg, driving without valid license
Divina M. Ledwith, 51, Orange Park, resist/obstruct/oppose law enforcement, loitering/prowling
Sarah A. Salazar, 41, Middleburg, DUI with damage to property/person

Thursday, July 15
Danny R. O’Brien, 39, Middleburg, resist/obstruct/oppose law enforcement
Justin S.T. Calley, 30, Middleburg, two counts domestic battery
Jacquez S. Miller, 21, Green Cove Springs, grand theft auto, driving without valid license
Mikayla Santiago, 25, Orange Park, simple battery
Donald E. Lockwood, 25, Green Cove Springs, VOP-community control
Christopher A. Walden, 55, Middleburg, simple domestic battery
Christina L. Barber, 32, Green Cove Springs, failure to redeliver hired/leased property
Katina A. Matheney, 38, Middleburg, simple domestic battery
Hailey A. Roberts, 29, Keystone Heights, possession-controlled substance, possession/use-drug paraphernalia, tampering with electronic monitoring device
Leroy S. Brown, 39, Orange Park, violation of injunction against domestic violence
Logan G. Tyson, 19, Orange Park, three counts burglary
Paul N. Williams, 18, Orange Park, three counts burglary

Wednesday, July 14
Sparkle S. Johnson, 37, Keystone Heights, aggravated domestic battery
Heather A. Azato, 46, Green Cove Springs, assault on person 65 or older
Callie R. Henry, 21, Orange Park, grand theft auto
Timothy R. Griffin, 42, Green Cove Springs, VOP-drug offender
Nicholas A. Berrios, 22, Green Cove Springs, FTA-hit and run/leaving the scene of accident
Desean L. Tillman, 28, Green Cove Springs, VOP-armed robbery, VOP-grand theft of firearm, VOP-grand theft
Katrina A. Daniels, 18, Green Cove Springs, four counts FTA
Brandon K. Hatfield, 26, Fleming Island, burglary
Danny L. Hensley, 49, Green Cove Springs, simple battery
Raymond L. Jackson, 61, Fleming Island, DUI, refusal to submit to BAL test, DWLSR
Andrew Rutland, 27, Orange Park, reckless driving with property damage, failure to obey order to stop
Korron A. Richardson, 42, Orange Park, felony domestic battery by strangulation, aggravated domestic battery, aggravated battery
Harry J. Crossland, 45, Orange Park, assault with intent to threaten domestic violence
James R. King, 38, Middleburg, simple domestic battery
Nikkita L. Campbell, 26, Middleburg, two counts simple battery
Matthew R. Olson, 44, Orange Park, possession-fentanyl