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Clay Today Creative Arts Contest: Accepting submissions for fiction, poetry, photography, art

Posted 12/7/23

Are you creative in writing, storytelling or designing? Are you a high school student excited to get a jumpstart in developing a published portfolio? Do you have a big imagination and a deep desire to share your passion with your community? How about winning $100 for your creative work?

Click here for submission guidelines and more information!

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Clay Today Creative Arts Contest: Accepting submissions for fiction, poetry, photography, art


CLAY COUNTY – Are you creative in writing, storytelling or designing? Are you a high school student excited to get a jumpstart in developing a published portfolio? Do you have a big imagination and a deep desire to share your passion with your community?

How about winning $100 for your creative work?

Clay Today is reaching out to its readership and the county school system to invite students to submit fiction, poetry, photography and digital artwork for the inaugural Clay Today Creative Arts Contest.

Throughout the year, one finalist from each category will be chosen each month on a rolling acceptance basis. The chosen finalists for each month will have their fiction, poetry, photography or digital artwork published on our website and in the monthly print issue of “School News.”

From among the twelve finalists for each category, chosen from each month of the year, the readership of Clay Today will vote for the best work of fiction, poetry, photography and digital artwork for 2024. The entry that wins the most votes for each category will be published in “Best of Clay,” and the four winners will be gifted a grand prize of $100 for their contribution and recognition. The four winners will also win a year’s subscription to Clay Today.

All students living or enrolled in Clay County are welcome to apply. High school students interested in careers in fine art or publishing are encouraged. The submission guidelines are as follows:

For submissions in each category, submit an accompanying cover letter with a brief bio (name, grade, the school enrolled) or intention to be published anonymously. You are welcome to share briefly what the piece means to you and the journey of its creation. The content of the cover letter will not influence the judging process.

For fiction, following the cover letter, submit a 1000-to-5000-word narrative in a .doc or .docx format. Work will only be considered in Times New Roman, Calibri, or another professional font. The editorial team will look for work demonstrating a creative command of language, captivating characters and alluring themes. Genre fiction is acceptable, but we are looking for exceptional storytelling ability that leaves a unique impression. If a story is meaningful to write, it will be meaningful to read.

For poetry, following the cover letter, submit one to three independent poems, each on a separate page in a .doc or .docx format. Up to three poems can be included, but only one will be chosen. The editorial team is looking for work containing colorful imagery, powerful emotion, purposeful syntax, and a unique perspective or voice.

For photography, following the cover letter, submit a high-resolution image in a .pdf format. The photograph can feature a landscape, portrait, still life, abstract, macro or any other scene. However, it must be captured with a camera and the photograph must be taken in a setting within Clay County.

For digital art, following the cover letter, submit a high-resolution image in a .pdf format. The editorial team is keeping the guidelines open. Digital paintings, digital sketches, and 2D or 3D graphics are all acceptable formats. The artwork must be original. The use of artificial intelligence is not allowed.

There is no prompt for each of the four categories. The only stipulation is that photography must feature a setting in Clay County. Students can send work for each category, but only one submission for each. Any evidence of using artificial intelligence for any step in the creative process will result in immediate disqualification. We welcome interpretations and commentary on mature themes and topics. However, explicit pornographic material will be rejected. Finalists throughout the year will be chosen each month on a rolling acceptance basis.

Send your submissions with your cover letter and work attached to

Reach out with any questions. Let your voice be heard. Leave your mark on the world. Best of luck to our contestants! Judging will begin in January 2024.