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Dragway is benevolent


I’m writing today to express my feelings and concern for the Green Cove Dragway. I’m 28 years old. Earlier this year, precisely in January. I was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia.

As much of a shock it was to me. It hurt my dad also. my dad is Doug Freeman, Green Cove’s track photographer. My dad will take photos for everyone at the track – mostly for free of charge for everyone to share on their walls of their house and for family and friends to share also.

In February, Maree Moscati set up a 50/50 raffle with the proceeds to come to me because I was unable to work due to a swollen spleen and swollen kidneys. Ms. Maree and her husband Pete, raised over $800 for me that day and I was able to pay one month’s rent.

Without Maree and Pete putting together that charity event, I would have to explore other options that month for rent. She made it where I didn’t have to worry about gathering up $750 for rent that month and I was able to relax.

Please take this in to account when speaking and writing about the dragstrip. They have been a second family and helped so many others besides myself. Thank you have a good day.

Douglas Freeman Jr.

Green Cove Springs