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Letter to the Editor: Untruths about Common Core?


People will go to great lengths to re-ect their candidate but there is a certain point where you cross a line.

There is a political committee called the “Clay Citizen’s Voice. This committee primarily does negative, often deceptive campaigning to support the incumbent Superintendent of Schools and his favored candidates. I take great offense at one of their recent communications which claims if the challenger for Superintendent of Schools is elected that he will bring common core to Clay County.

The problem is that the entire state of Florida already has common core curriculum and that includes Clay County. Your current Superintendent of Schools, Charlie Van Zant Jr., has to my knowledge done absolutely nothing to push back against Common Core. Shortly after the last election I did address the School Board and asked them to take up this issue, at that time it was suggested there be a town hall meeting to solicit citizen opinions, and the School Board requested your incumbent Superintendent to bring them back a recommendation. To my knowledge absolutely nothing happened and your Clay County Schools continued with business as usual with Common Core curriculum as mandated by the State.

The citizens of Clay deserve better than to be misled by Clay Citizen’s Voice Political Committee or by anyone else who seeks votes through deception and character attacks. Elections are a serious business and the citizens need to hear the truth on issues so they can make good votes.

We pay an awful lot of money for these schools so that our children can be educated, if you respect the citizens and want Clay to prosper put out true statements. Opposition to Common Core is ongoing but real oppositional efforts are undermined when Clay Citizen’s Voice misrepresents the issue in a campaign ploy.

My group has been to Tallahassee several times in opposition to Common Core, others in Clay have spent much more time on this effort, I am deeply offended that Clay Citizen’s Voice should come out of nowhere and use this as a campaign issue when neither they nor any of their favored candidates have done anything to oppose Common Core.

Travis Christensen

Lake Asbury