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What Do We Do Now That Christmas Is Over?

By Pastor Billy Register, 
True Life County Church

Posted 12/26/24

Christmas fills our hearts with warmth and wonder as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. But once the decorations are packed away and the holiday glow begins to fade, a question lingers: What now? What …

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What Do We Do Now That Christmas Is Over?


Christmas fills our hearts with warmth and wonder as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. But once the decorations are packed away and the holiday glow begins to fade, a question lingers: What now? What do we do once the songs, the gatherings, and the traditions are behind us?

It’s easy to think of Jesus only in terms of the nativity: the baby in the manger, the angels singing, and the shepherds bowing. But the story of Christmas doesn’t end with a baby. It points to a Savior who would grow up, live a sinless life, die for our sins, and rise again to give us eternal hope. Even the well-known Christmas carol “Away in a Manger” doesn’t stop at the Manger. It calls Him “the little Lord Jesus,” reminding us that He is not just a baby. He is Lord.

To make Jesus Lord is to give Him authority over every part of our lives. It’s more than a Christmas celebration; it’s a daily surrender. We show our love for Him through obedience to His Word, even when it’s challenging or inconvenient. Jesus’ Lordship asks us to put His desires above our own and to live with purpose, reflecting His love and grace to those around us.

Colossians 1:16-17 says, "For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."

Colossians reminds us, Jesus is not just the reason for Christmas, He’s the reason for everything. He holds all things together, including our lives. When the holiday season is over, the call to follow Him remains.

So, what now? Keep celebrating Jesus! Not just as the baby in the manger, but as the Lord of your life. Let His love and purpose guide you into the new year and every day that follows. As you follow Him may you be blessed and full of God’s hope, peace, joy and love.

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